A model release is a legal release signed by the subject of a photograph  (or his/her legal guardian) granting the artist permission to use the photograph in one form or another*
Shoot date: 01/18/2022
* For Consideration received and by signing this release, I irrevocably grant to the Artist, Maura Trice of Maura Art Photography, the right to license and use the Content in any manner, form or medium, for any and all use whatsoever (except pornographic or illegal), which may include art, advertising, promotion, marketing and packaging for any product or service. I agree that: 
 - the Content may be used in combination with other images and may be modified;
- I have no rights to inspect or approve the Content or the use to which the Content may be applied;
- I have no further right to additional Consideration and will not make claims associated to the Content, for any reason, to the Artist.
I agree that my personal information will not be made publicly available but may only be used in connection to licensing the Content where necessary (e.g., to defend claims and protect legal rights), and may be retained as long as necessary to fulfill this purpose, including by being shared with sub-licensees and assignees of the Artist and transferred to countries with differing data protection and privacy laws where it may be stored, accessed and used. 
I release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless the Artist and her licensees, sub-licensees, successors, and assigns (“Released Parties”) from any liability arising out of or in connection with the use of the Content, including any and all claims for defamation or invasion of privacy or publicity. I acknowledge that the Released Parties are not responsible or liable for any unauthorized use or piracy of the Content. 
I represent and warrant that I am at least 18 years of age and have the full legal capacity to execute this release on my own behalf, or on the behalf of a minor as their parent or legal guardian. I acknowledge and agree that this release is binding upon my heirs and assigns. 
"Artist" means any person or entity photographing, filming, or recording Content by any means during the recording session, including Artist’s licensees, successors, and assigns.  
"Consideration" means something of value I received in exchange for the rights granted in this release. (photos)
"Content" means still or motion photographs or films, illustration, animation, audio, or other recordings taken of me, including my appearance, likeness, and voice during the recording session

By Signing and clicking "Submit" you agree to grant the photographer permission to use the Content as per this Model Release form.
Thank you!

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